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About Us

Every year the cremation rate, not only in our area but across the country, continues to grow. In 2016 the national average for families choosing cremation crossed over the half way mark.

The concept for creating Greystone Crematory was founded based on the growing demand for cremation services we have observed running Quernheim Funeral Home. Consumers are contacting us on a regular basis asking for the lowest price on our most basic of services, which is our direct cremation. These families aren’t looking for any extra services other than what is necessary to complete the cremation process. These families are looking for this option with the intent of handling all the extra things a funeral home usually provides on their own. As a result we have developed a new business specifically to meet this demand. We have created this business that cuts out all the extras in order to offer the very lowest price possible, while still holding on to the quality of service you would expect at this most delicate stage in a family’s life.

Through the years our family business has adapted to meet the needs of our surrounding communities. Starting out in 1858 in Maeystown, IL, Balthasar Heinrich Quernheim, a cabinet maker, was called on by members of the town to build coffins. As demand for this service continued to grow his cabinet making business evolved into what is today Quernheim Funeral Home. Over the course of six generations the Quernheim family business grew and changed to include such things as cabinet makers, furniture makers, coffin makers, funeral services in family's homes, furniture store, carpet sales and installation, ambulance services, and of course our modern day funeral home. Just as the business was started and grew over 150 years ago, we view the next growing demand we see in our community as this simple cremation service. An option for disposition that offers only the necessary or most minimal of services at the lowest price possible.

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